Email Notification

As an approver, you will receive an email notification like this, containing the action needed for the request.

You just have to click the View full details button to view the request and take action.

How to Approve.

The View Full Details button will direct you to this page. At the bottom of the page, you will see a button for the action needed. Buttons will depend on the action needed..

For AP Staff, AP Supervisor / Head, Treasury Staff, Treasury Staff and VP-Finance, The buttons are different.

AP Staff.

For AP Staff, there's an additional button, which is the Save to PDF or Print button.

AP Supervisor / Head and Treasury Staff

For AP Supervisors / Head and Treasury Staff, you have to select the APV or Check Voucher and upload attachment(s) first before you click submit.

This window will pop up after you click the Select APV or Check Voucher button. You have to select the APV or Check voucher and scroll down to the bottom.

After selecting the APV or Check voucher, click the confirm selection button and close the window by clicking the "x" button at the top right corner of the window.


For VP-Finance, it has a Return button instead of a disapprove button. Requests will return to the AP Supervisor / Head after clicking the return button.

Upload Attachments.

For uploading attachment(s), you just have to click the attachment field and select the file you want to upload.

Note: only PDF, jpg, jpeg and png file will be accepted.